I would like to thank all the parents and children for an excellent transition back from the summer holidays. It has been great to see so many parents conversing with and getting to know staff. An extra special welcome to our eighteen new junior infants who have been a great asset to the school. We have also had numerous children join the school in other classes and I would also like to welcome them to St Mary’s NS.
As you have probably noticed, we have had a big influx of new staff who started in September. We have six new teachers Ms. Francis, Ms. McNamara, Ms. McMahon, Ms. Gloster, Ms. Hayes and Ms. Kiely. We also have two excellent new SNAs in Brian O’Callaghan and Niamh Mulcahy. They have all been a great addition to the school.
It has been an action packed September with children taking part in soccer matches, STEM challenges, the Sing Out With Strings programme and a variety of other activities. There have been several trips outside of the school grounds and on all occasions our children represented the school exceptionally well.
Afterschool orchestra is back up and running on Mondays with over twenty children attending. Homework Club is also on every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It is available to ALL children in 3rd – 6th class.
We are trying to instill a real community spirit in the school where staff, children and parents are PROUD to be associated with St Mary’s NS. We pride ourselves on an excellent relationship with parents and the community. If you ever have any queries/concerns, please feel free to meet with our HSCL teacher Noelle Mann or our principal Eoghan O’Byrne.
Again, I want to reiterate what a fantastic first month it has been and here is to a great year going forward.
Eoghan O’Byrne