St Mary’s NS are once again leading innovators in a brand new Social Farming Project. The Happy Saplings Programme is an outdoor, farm based social and educational experience based in Doon Social Farm. The farm is a 33-acre organic farm in Doon, County Limerick. They deliver educational and social programmes to children and adults. Social farming can have a positive impact on physical & mental health and it allows children to learn develop important life skills in a positive nature-based environment.
The programme is for 5th and 6th class primary school children. It is delivered over 6-weeks. Sessions take place during school time from 10am-12pm on the farm. The programme includes farm tasks, food projects and nature learning. The Happy Saplings programme is a fantastic opportunity for children to learn important life skills like diet, nutrition and basic cooking, caring for animals and caring for yourself, the importance of healthy communication and the importance of outdoor, healthy activities.
Our 5th class has had the amazing opportunity to be the first school to experience the project. It has been a huge success and the highlight of their weeks. The programme will culminate in a Parent & Child visit to the farm where the children will become the “teachers”. They will educate their parents around farm safety, life skills and care of animals. We are delighted to be part of this innovative initiative.